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WEBINAR: 10 Ways CPYU Can Help You Minister to Parents
October 16, 2014 @ 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Youth workers have a great responsibility and opportunity to help parents fulfill their calling as those primarily responsible for the spiritual nurture of children and teens. What are you doing to help and equip the parents of your students? The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding invites you to a half-hour webinar with Walt Mueller where you’ll get a quick introduction to and overview of some of the timely and helpful resources we’ve developed – many of them new and free! – to help you help and equip parents. We’ve found that many youth workers already familiar with CPYU don’t know about everything available through our ministry. We want to help you be a hero to parents. We promise that your investment of 30 minutes will serve to spark new ideas and strategies, along with giving you some great resources for your ministry.