CPYU Resources

Parent Prompt

A weekly resource to spark biblically-centered conversations with your kids about the issues they face in today’s youth culture.

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Trend Alert

Free handouts informing you of trends happening in youth culture.

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Downloadable and printable devotionals to use with your family.

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Helpful Handouts

Informative articles and resources available as downloadable handouts.

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CPYU On The Web

Interviews, podcasts, and articles across the web featuring CPYU staff as guests or contributors.

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Articles, videos, Top 10 lists, quotes from pop culture, and more… mostly from… well, many years ago!

CPYU Parent Page

CPYU Parent Page promo

The CPYU Parent Page is a monthly newsletter designed by the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding to help keep parents informed about the latest happenings and trends in the world of youth culture. Churches and youth groups, Christian schools, and other youth organizations can subscribe to this easy-to-use resource and are encouraged to distribute it to the parents of their teens. Individuals may also subscribe.