Since this is Pride month, I’m spending this week sharing some words of wisdom from HarvestUSA’s John Freeman, on how to remain faithful when others embrace lgbtq+ theology. John tells us to remember that these are spiritual issues. Ephesians chapter six reminds us that there are often forces, behind the scenes, invested in keeping those we love in confusion and error. Ultimately, only God can address the spiritual issues of family and friends’ blindness and rebellion. If you constantly feel pressured to change others’ views or make them see the light, you will likely end up frustrated and perhaps even begin to question your own beliefs. Those who walk in blindness need what Tim Keller calls a “self quake” and a “God quake.” God is the one who must intervene to change hearts. The gospel is the greatest need for those who pursue sexuality on their own terms—along with those who agree with them and buy into worldly sexuality. Thanks, John, for this helpful advice.
The Gospel and LGBTQ+
June 16, 2022