What should we tell our kids about pornography? In a recent article on the Defend Young Minds website, Gabe Deem listed the three things he wants to teach his kids about porn. Gabe was first exposed to porn at age eight. By age twenty-three he reached a point where he was addicted to and dependent on pornography in ways that I will not mention here. He is committed to teaching his son these three things about what pornography does to us. First, pornography can harm you physically. He goes on to offer evidence regarding pornography’s negative effects on both the brain structure and the body. Second, pornography can harm you mentally. When he finally broke free from his addiction, Deem says he experienced a variety of benefits, including improved concentration and memory. And third, pornography can harm you emotionally, including leading to depression. Parents, God is the creator of his good gift of sexuality. But God’s enemy wants to undo it all, and porn is one way he does it.