I love this little quote from writer and pastor Eugene Peterson. He says, “There are no well-adjusted adolescents. Adolescence is, by definition, maladjustment.” Now I’m sure the teenagers listening right now might be upset with Peterson. But here’s the deal. . . I think Eugene Peterson is right. The developmental period of life that’s been labeled adolescence is a time filled with more questioning and more change than any other life-stage. And in the midst of that life-shaking earthquake, kids are primarily about the difficult and confusing business of figuring out who they are – not only who they are now, but who they will be for the rest of their lives. If we are hoping and praying that our kids will find their identity in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone, we must not only be living that out in our own lives, but living it out in the context of a strong relationship with our kids. Are you a well-adjusted, Christ-following mom or dad? That’s what your kids need!
Adolescence and Maladjustment
July 24, 2020