Here at the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding we’ve been tracking trends related to online pornography exposure and teen sexual practices through our Digital Kids Initiative, and our Sexual Integrity Initiative. As a result, we’ve regularly issued warnings regarding the decreasing average age at which a child first finds or is found by online pornography. And, we’ve passed on research regarding how viewing pornography misshapes a person’s understanding of sexuality. . . leading them into attitudes and practices that deny God’s grand plan for the gift of sexuality. New research coming from the Netherlands reveals a trend that we believe is global. Two-thirds of Dutch nine to twelve year olds are regularly confronted with graphic sexual images online. Sometimes they have gone looking for the images. At other times, the pornographic images have just popped up on the screen. Parents, what are you doing to steer your kids away from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ?
Age of First Porn Exposure
March 2, 2020