One of ways that you can keep up with changes in today’s youth culture is to check out the word of the year. As culture changes, words that are no longer relevant are removed from the dictionary, and new words that have found a place in conversation are added. The folks at have labeled the word “allyship” the 2021 word of the year. says that the word acts as a powerful prism through which to view the defining events and experiences of 2021. Allyship is defined as “the status or role of a person who advocates and actively works for the inclusion of a marginalized or politicized group in all areas of society, not as a member of that group, but in solidarity with its struggle and point of view and under its leadership.” The word has strong connotations related to the way our culture defines social justice. As followers of Jesus, we want to be sure we are advocating for others, but in cases where a lifestyle choice is sinful, our greatest advocacy should be to lead them into living into the will of God.
Allyship – Word of the Year
December 29, 2021