One youth culture trend that reveals just how much the adolescent pressures of past generations have filtered down to the youngest of children, is the obsession our children have over clothing and appearance. Fueled by effective marketing, clothing brands have become idols for our kids. With Christmas shopping season in high gear, many of you have experienced this to be true, as even our youngest kids are asking for certain must-have brands of clothing. This year as in the past ten years, Nike is the number one favorite clothing brand among our kids. We can even purchase a pair of sixty dollar Air Jordan sneakers for toddlers, a reality which might say more about the brand image pressure parents feel long before their kids are even thinking about those kinds of things. Perhaps we still believe that he who dies with the most toys wins. Let’s not forget these words of Jesus, “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”
Brands and Kids
November 29, 2021