The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are now telling us that bullying effects one in five high school students, and one in four middle school students. While none of us want to see our kids suffer at the hands of bullies, we must also be aware of the fact that our kids could be doing the bullying. Experts tell us that some of the signs that a child is bullying someone else include getting into physical and verbal fights, hanging out with friends who are bullies, becoming increasingly aggressive, and getting into trouble in school on a frequent basis. Other signs include blaming others for their problems, not accepting responsibility for their actions, and having unexplained extra money or new belongings. We believe that Christian nurture is an important component in preventing bullying. Jesus calls us to “love one another as I have loved you.” Parents, model Christlike compassion for others to your kids, and be sure to monitor their interactions with their peers.
February 16, 2021