The Spirit of our current times tells us and our kids that we are to look out for number one. Our greatest goal should be to care for me, myself, and I. Author Nancy Guthrie corrects this deadly error with these words of truth: “God on the throne. The centerpiece of heaven, the focal point of this universe is God ruling and reigning, surrounded by a sea of glass that perfectly mirrors His glory back to Him. Our modern western culture suggests that to love a child is to tell her that she is special and unique, and that everything she does is wonderful. We’re not supposed to throw away her artwork. She gets a ribbon for participating. This could easily give our child the impression that the world revolves around her. But that simply isn’t true. Our children are cherished members of our family, but they’re not the center. . . The Biblical Gospel is that while God’s love overflows for His people, we were made for Him. God is at the center of the universe – not us, and not our children.”