Since Christmas is next week and we’ll be gathering with family and friends, we’re looking all week at what Doctor Wayne Mack calls “circuit jammers to family communication,” in his helpful book, “Your Family God’s Way.” Dr. Mack warns against using cotton-candy speech. When eaten in moderation, cotton candy may not be detrimental to your health. But if it’s the main component of your diet, watch out! Cotton candy can never build a strong and healthy body. People who try to live on it will die of starvation. Dr. Mack says that many families are weak and frail because the main item on the communication menu is cotton candy speech. Conversations are superficial, lacking depth, and void of substance. Surface talk, frivolous joking, and teasing form the bulk of the family’s interactions. Because serious issues, painful and perplexing matters, and ultimate concerns are never discussed, the family relationships are shallow. Parents, what can you do to go deeper?