In Proverbs 14:12 we read these words of wisdom and truth: There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Whenever I read this verse I am reminded of my need to ground myself in the truths of God’s Word, and then think and act rightly in accordance with God’s will. New Testament scholar Michael Kruger tells us that in today’s world many in the church believe and teach that the work of reconciliation should be valued over making judgements. Our current cultural moment affirms this belief, making it very attractive to our Christian kids. And while God does have much to say about how we human beings relate to other humans, this notion leads us to believe that we should never point out that someone else’s behavior is wrong. Parents, teach your kids that we do need to operate with grace, patience, and a spirit of love. But we cannot abandon God’s clear teaching that some things need to be declared right and other things need to be declared wrong.
Declaring Things Right or Wrong
August 5, 2022