If you spend any time at all paying attention to the news, you are aware of a growing cultural animosity towards Christianity and its adherents. While this can certainly lead to fear, worry, and anxiety, we must remember that from Genesis to Revelation, the scriptures teach that faithful witness will involve opposition, persecution, and perhaps even suffering. Parents and youth workers, are you taking deliberate steps to prepare the kids you know and love for faithful witness in the world? I believe that the task of Christian nurture needs to be a primary first-priority as we raise and lead kids. Perhaps our youth ministries should take this task more seriously as we engage with kids in ways that prepare them for what Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “the Cost of Discipleship.” Psalm 34:19 reminds us that “the righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” Teach your kids that while life may be difficult, God is with them.