Episode 162: “Theology of the Body” with Timothy Tennent

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Resources, links, or other helpful tools mentioned in the podcast:
Dr. Timothy Tennent
Dr. Timothy Tennent (bio)
Asbury Theological Seminary
Christopher West
The Case for Kids
Northeast Youth Ministry Summit

Books mentioned or helpful to the conversation:
For the Body: Recovering a Theology of Gender, Sexuality, and the Human Body by Timothy C. Tennent
Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Resource for Catechesis and Disciple-Making by Timothy C. Tennent
More Books from Timothy Tennent
Homosexuality and the Church: Crisis, Conflict, Compassion by Richard Lovelace
Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful: A Biblical Vision for Education in the Church by Gary A. Parrett and S. Steve Kang
The Theology of the Body: Human Love in the Divine Plan by John Paul II

CPYU Reading Discussion Group on Facebook

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