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Resources, links, or other helpful tools mentioned in the podcast:

Steve Stockman – blog
Steve Stockman – on Twitter @Stoxo
Fitzroy Presbyterian Church
The U2 Conference: Exploring the Music, Work and Influence of U2
Titanic Museum in Belfast
Ulster Museum
Over the Rhine, OHIO album
CPYU’s 3(D) Guide and Media Discernment Resources
Just Add Parents: Ready-To-Use Parent Meeting
Hurling – The Fastest Game on Grass

Books Mentioned or Recommended:
Order the following at Hearts & Minds and use the discount code CPYU and you will save 20% on most titles. (Include this code in your order details.)
CPYU Highly recommends the book below be purchased through Hearts & Minds Bookstore.

Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2 by Steve Stockman
Beatles ’66: The Revolutionary Year
 by Steve Turner
 by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
Testimony: A Memoir by Robbie Robertson
Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink by Elvis Costello
Trouble Songs: Music and Conflict in Northern Ireland by Stuart Bailie
Soul Mining: A Musical Life by Daniel Lanois
Popcultured: Thinking Christianly About Style, Media and Entertainment by Steve Turner

Questions, comments, feedback, suggestions for future episodes? E-mail us!