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Resources, links, or other helpful tools mentioned in the podcast:
John Perrit
Joe Deegan
Kevin Twit
Indelible Grace (website, YouTube, Instagram)
Indelible Grace Hymnbook
RUF Hymnbook
Roots and Wings: The Story of Indelible Grace and the RUF Hymns
see Jesus
Hymnology Archive by Chris Fenner
RUF at Belmont Podcast
History of Hymnody – Free Online Course taught by Kevin Twit for Covenant Theological Seminary
Indelible Grace: The Hymn Sing – Stream album on Amazon Music
Promised Land (RYM Worship Album by Joe Deegan)
Promised Land (Accompanying Bible Study)
CPYU Reading/Discussion Group on Facebook
Books mentioned or helpful to the conversation:
Holiness by J. C. Ryle
Bobos In Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There by David Brooks
Retrofuture: Rediscovering Our Roots, Recharting Our Routes by Gerard Kelly
Letters of John Newton by John Newton
Reaching Out without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship for This Urgent Time by Marva Dawn
Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright
Studies of Familiar Hymns (and other works) by Louis Benson
Various books by Robert J. Morgan
Our Hymn Writers and Their Hymns by Faith Cook
Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book by Charles Spurgeon
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
Questions, comments, feedback, suggestions for future episodes? E-mail us!