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Resources, links, or other helpful tools mentioned in the podcast:

Jonas Beiler
Remembering the West Nickel Mines Amish school shooting in 2006
Joel Kime (church page bio, website and blog)
The Freedom of Forgiveness Received (the story of Joel’s accident)
CPYU Reading/Discussion Group on Facebook

Books mentioned or helpful to the conversation:
Think No Evil: Inside the Story of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting… and Beyond by Jonas Beiler with Shawn Smucker
Forgiven: The Amish School Shooting, A Mother’s Love, And a Story of Remarkable Grace
by Terri Roberts with Jeanette Windle
Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy
by Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, David L. Weaver-Zercher
The Secret Lies Within: An Inside Out Look At Overcoming Trauma And Finding Purpose In the Pain by Anne Beiler with Emily Sutherland
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure
by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

Questions, comments, feedback, suggestions for future episodes? E-mail us!