All this week we’ve been looking at Tim Chester’s book, “Closing the Window: Steps To Living Porn Free” – and his list of reasons for why we should give up porn. Above all else, pornography is a sin that erodes our relationship with God. Chester reminds us of the story of Solomon and his love for foreign women. Solomon’s unchecked sexual desires turned his heart away from God. They gave him a divided heart. One pornography addict says, “Porn kills my spiritual vitality and zaps the life out of my personal devotional life and spiritual disciplines. It decreases my desire and consciousness of spiritual things, because it becomes the thing at the front of my mind, or more typically guilt consumes me. It has really deadened my relationship with Jesus and robbed me of joy.” Because we live in a world saturated with pornography that pulls our kids in at breakneck speed, we must prepare them for a life lived in obedience to God.
Facing the Epidemic of Porn 5
April 22, 2022