Fantasy and the Good News

I recently read through the report on teens and media from the University of California and found some thought-provoking data. The report is titled “Reality Bites: Teens and Screens 2024.” The survey found that when asked what adolescents most want to see in terms of content, the top content choice for ten to twenty-four year olds was fantasy, with over thirty-six percent ranking fantasy highest on the list. This desire to see fantasy increased from 2023’s twenty percent. When given a list of specific content topics, the number one choice was fantasy and other content that was hopeful and uplifting, showing people beating the odds. As I pondered these top-ranked desires of our kids, I couldn’t help but think that our kids are leading lives where there is a deep and desperate need to hear and see good news. And where else will they ultimately find what they are looking for than in God’s revelation of Himself in the Bible, and in a restored relationship with God through Christ.