What is our purpose in life? We discover our true purpose and identity when we see ourselves as individuals made in the image of God for a relationship with God. The way into that relationship with God is through following Jesus. Have you  ever paused to ponder the wonder of God’s grace? Isn’t amazing that He has provided a way back into relationship, purpose, and identity through Jesus Christ? Following Jesus is the path to life and salvation. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and “follow” Him. When Jesus called His first disciples to “follow” it was not a suggestion, but a command. One Bible scholar says that the word “follow” is “the Disciple’s word.” It’s the word that’s the key to life. Parents, Jesus uses the word “follow” to summon you and your children to Himself. It involves an act of self-denial and surrender that includes both a cost and a cross. But ultimately, it is the only way to freedom in this life and the next.