FOMO is acronym that stands for fear of missing out. The term was introduced almost twenty years ago to describe a phenomenon that experts observed on how people were using social media. FOMO includes two specific processes. First, you perceive that you risk missing out on something that would be rewarding and fun. Then second, you do something compulsive in order to maintain social connections rather than miss out on the fun. In other words, there’s a behavioral response component to FOMO. Researchers have found that this second behavioral response in the college student population often times includes engaging in illicit behaviors, including cheating on tests, illegal drug use, and committing crimes. It’s not surprising that this happens in a world void of widely held moral standards where the individual decides what’s right and wrong for themselves. Remind your kids of James four seventeen: So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
FOMO and Sin
January 4, 2023