Our friend, Nicholas Black, recently wrote an article for the HarvestUSA ministry that offers wise counsel on what to say when a child or friend expresses gender confusion. This week, I’m unpacking Nicholas Black’s five broad principles a parent, pastor, and church can pursue. The second principle is this: Carefully teach and seek mutual involvement. We need to communicate to our loved one that deep, persistent gender struggles grow stronger when we contend with them in isolation. As we walk with them, we want to continue to lovingly communicate biblical truth, knowing that during this journey it may take times. Nicholas says, “our words, combined with our loving presence, are what people in pain need. Being involved means connecting them with the body of Christ. You can connect them with Christian counseling. Help them find a mentor. Walk with them for as long as it takes, through all the successes and failures that will be a part of their journey.
Gender Confusion 2
March 14, 2023