Gender Confusion 4

Our friend, Nicholas Black, recently wrote an article for the HarvestUSA ministry that offers wise counsel on what to say when a child or friend expresses gender confusion. This week, I’m unpacking Nicholas Black’s five broad principles a parent, pastor, and church can pursue. The fourth principle is this: we need to teach a biblical view of perservence in the midst of suffering. We need to acknowledge that some life situations are chronic, persistent, and will not be completely resolved in this life. We are called as followers of Jesus to persevere faithfully in certain situations. By doing so, we discover that God’s grace gives all of it meaning and purpose, and He provides the daily strength we need to live, grow, and prosper. In second Corinthians twelve nine, the apostle Paul reminds us of this truth: that God says to us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Paul recognized that when we are weak, then we are strong.