In his wonderful parenting book, Age of Opportunity, Paul Tripp writes, “we need to face the fact that the harsh realities of the Fall are depicted in everyday family life. It is this humble admission that opens us up to one of the most wonderful functions of the Christian family. It is when we humbly face the reality of our falseness that we begin to seek and treasure the riches of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we – parents and children alike – face our need as sinners, the family becomes a truly redemptive community where the themes of grace, forgiveness, deliverance from sin, reconciliation, new life in Christ, and hope become the central themes of family life.” When mistakes, difficulty, and rebellion rear their ugly heads in your home – and they will – remember how your heavenly Father has treated you. If you’re like me, nothing your kids can do or say to you comes even close to your daily and habitual rebellion against your heavenly Father. Thanks be to God for His grace!
Grace Filled Parenting
September 13, 2021