Last month, Pittsburgh Pirates’ second basemen Rodolfo Castro slid into third base. What’s the big deal with that? After all, major league baseball players slide into bases during every game. This slide caught the attention of everyone for the simple fact that during his slide, his smartphone went flying out of his back pocket. The video is a bit funny as the third base umpire points to the phone, informing the surprised Castro that it had fallen out of his pocket. Castro picked up the phone, handed it to his third base coach, and went on playing like nothing unusual had happened. Shortly thereafter, Major League Baseball suspended Castro one game for violating the electronic device policy. This incident serves to remind us just how tethered we are to our devices and how much we depend on them throughout the course of our daily lives. We need to be careful that we don’t become addicted to our devices, turning them into idols. Teach your kids to balance the use of these helpful tools.
He Had a Phone in His Pocket!
September 14, 2022