As Christian parents, what can we do to help our teens weather the inevitable storm of negative peer pressure in a way that brings honor and glory to their heavenly father? First, realize that negative peer pressure is a spiritual battle that all of us fight constantly. Second, pray for your kids as they face the pressure on a daily basis. Third, examine yourself to see how your example serves them as a model of how to handle negative peer pressure. Fourth, live a lifestyle of following Christ instead of the crowd. Fifth, actively help your children to realize their value and worth in God’s eyes so that they are less prone to seek the approval of others. Sixth, get your kids involved in a positive peer group where following Christ is celebrated and affirmed. And finally, help your kids understand the truth of Proverbs 13:20 – that the person who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Helping Kids Handle Peer Pressure
September 8, 2023