Kids and Caffeine

If you attend a church that has coffee available on Sunday mornings, you might have noticed that there are more and more children and teens heading to the pots for a cup of the caffeine-infused beverage. Researchers at the C.S. Mott Children’s hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan are telling us that surveys of parents indicate that thirty-one percent of thirteen to eighteen year olds are drinking coffee regularly. We already know that our kids have been chugging down other types of caffeine infused drinks for years. It’s no surprise that average daily caffeine intake has risen among children and teens over the years. When asked why they are drinking more caffeine, kids cite the fact that caffeine is in many of the drinks they love, along with pressure from their peers. Last year, Starbucks earned twenty one million dollars from teens using their app. Too much caffeine is harmful to our kids. That’s why we need to teach them to steward their bodies to God’s glory.