With so many of our kids playing organized sports, we believe it’s important to be tracking with the latest research findings on kids and head injuries, specifically related to concussions. A new study published in the journal Orthopedics focused on just over three-hundred-and-fifty high school athletes who had sustained one or more concussions. The most common sports in which they suffered their concussions were football, hockey, and soccer. Fourteen percent reported suffering from amnesia, and one-third reported a history of multiple concussions. The research also found that student athletes who suffer a concussion are more likely to have non-contact lower extremity issues due to post-concussion balance issues. Medical experts are warning us that it takes longer for young athletes to recover from a concussion, and extreme care should be taken to keep them off the field for an extended period of time. Parents, don’t forget – you have been called by God to steward the physical health of your child.
Kids and Concussions
September 22, 2020