It’s been said that when it comes to fashion and style, what goes around comes around. And, in one of the most mind-boggling recent fashion trends, today’s teens are proving this to be true. In a recent article in of all places Country Living Magazine, writer Katie Bowley throws this headline at us: “Cracker Barrel’s Grandma Sweatshirts Are The Newest Gen Z Trend.” Yes, you heard that right. Teenagers are heading to the Cracker Barrel gift shops and buying those sweatshirts embroidered with nature scenes and animals which arepopular with older. Thanks to promotion of the trend through TikTok videos hawking the sweatshirts as stylish for the younger set, Cracker Barrell has seen a seven-hundred percent increase in sales of the sweatshirts since the early fall. This sounds very similar to what happened a couple of years ago when the old school Stanley water bottles suddenly became stylish. This is a refreshing trend, as the sweatshirts are costing our kids the relatively low price of thirty dollars.
Kids and Grandma Sweatshirts
December 27, 2024