Just a little over a year ago, the Nickelodean network premiered a kids show called Danger Force, which is a spinoff of the older Henry Danger kids series. Danger Force follows the adventures of some young super-heroes in training. The show casted thirteen year old transgender actor Sasha A. Cohen into the June nineteenth episode, making history as it was the first time in network history an openly transgender actor was cast in a live-action show. Actor Michael Cohen, who is no relation, is a star in the series and is transgendered as well. Michael Cohen says that Sasha Cohen’s appearance on Danger Force will help change kid’s lives. Nickelodeon Vice President for programming and content strategy, Paul DeBenedictus, says that the network’s mission is to be a home for all kids, and to authentically represent them in their full diversity. Parents, this offers an opportunity to talk about God’s grand and glorious design for gender, making us male or female. Use these teachable moments to tell your kids the truth.