Loving Others on Social Media

All this week we are looking at Paul Tripp’s new book, Reactivity: How The Gospel Transforms our Actions and Reactions, and what it means to respect the dignity of others, as all human beings are divine image bearers, especially as we and our children learn how to best glorify God on social media. Tripp asks, what does it mean to treat people with dignity? He says that we need to resolve to intentionally do no harm to anyone. Tripp writes, “Scripture clearly forbids that we would act in any way to harm our neighbor. The Bible prohibits murder, forbids any act of vengeance, calls us to be angry without sinning, and commands us not to gossip. Scripture is clear that all of our responses to one another are to be shaped and directed by love, even if that person is your enemy.” This guidance from Paul Tripp is so timely as we work to navigate a social media world that seems to celebrate anger and gossip. Parents, model well these good social media habits, teaching your children to do the same.