In our rapidly changing world, it is essential that Christians tether themselves to the unchanging Word of God. We must teach our children to do the same. Listen to these words from theologian J.I. Packer: “We have to choose whether we will accept the biblical doctrine of Scripture as it stands, or permit ourselves to refashion it according to our fancy. We have to choose whether to embrace the delusion that human creatures are competent to judge and find fault with the words of their Creator, or whether to recognize this idea for the blaspheming that it is and drop it. We have to decide whether to carry through our repentance on the intellectual level or whether we shall still cherish our sinful craving for a thought-life free from the rule of God. We have to decide whether to say that we believe the Bible and mean it, or look for ways whereby we can say it without having to accept all the consequences.” Parents, nurture your children into knowing and living God’s Word.
Parents, Do You Believe The Bible?
November 11, 2021