This week we’re looking at some great words of advice from Dr. Paul Tripp and one of my favorite parenting books, “Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide To Parenting Teens.” Dr. Tripp says that the task of parenting a teenager is often exhausting and discouraging. Clearly, it is beyond the wisdom, character, and strength of every parent. It’s really easy to give in to defeat, discouragement, and fear. When we do this, our encounters with our teenager are colored by our own hopelessness. Our only hope of loving and consistently doing what we have been called to do is Christ. In his presence and power we find strength to fulfill our calling. We must learn as parents what it means to live out of the rich resources of the Gospel, refusing to give way to discouragement and despair. We must learn to hold onto God’s promises. The goal is that there would be no struggle so grave as to lead us to give up, since Christ’s work gives us reason to continue on in the high calling we’ve given as parents.
Paul Tripp 3
May 19, 2021