Today we end our week of looking at some great words of advice from Dr. Paul Tripp and one of my favorite parenting books, “Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide To Parenting Teens.” Dr. Tripp says that oftentimes, we as parents are so busy making decisions for our children that we do not impart to them the critical biblical thinking skills that will enable them to make sound choices after they have left home. We need to be looking for opportunities to teach our children how to use the commands, themes, principle, and perspectives fo Scripture to make sense out of life. To equip teens to determine how God would have them respond to the variety of situations they face in life, we need to teach them two things. Frist, they need internalized biblical convictions and applicable biblical wisdom. It is not enough to say yes and no to particular questions. And second, we must show our children how we have arrived at the critical decisions we’ve made that are so important to biblical living.