Since this is Pride month, I’ve spent this week sharing some words of wisdom from HarvestUSA’s John Freeman, on how to remain faithful when others embrace lgbtq+ theology. John tells us to Bathe everything in prayer. Pray for those who disagree with you. Prayer both softens our hearts and allows us to seek the best in and for those who we love. You may feel incapable of doing anything about what others believe—or believe about you. However, we can pour out all of our troubles, fears, confusion, and hopes at the throne of grace, as well as gain the courage to boldly persevere. Remain grounded in the Word yourself and seek the support of others. You are vulnerable to outside voices tempting you to give in, but the best remedy for standing firm for the long haul is to remain in God’s Word, continually steeping yourself in his perspective and truth. We always need to be reminded of the truths of Scripture, and we need the help of others who will walk with us on this journey.
Prayer in an LGBTQ+ World
June 17, 2022