This week we’re looking at ways to challenge the materialism that marks our lifestyles as we prepare for Christmas. Let me encourage you to tell your kids about Bob Pierce, the founder of World Vision, who started his organization after praying, “Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” The scriptures reveal what lies at the heart of God. Six little words from Isaiah 61:8 capture the essence of it all: “For I, the Lord, love justice.” God’s great unfolding drama of redemption is all about the righting the wrongs that sin unleashed on the world. Things are not the way they are supposed to be. As God reveals Himself in the Bible, we can’t help but see His heart for the poor and desire for justice. Why not take some time to immerse your family in God’s Word as you prepare for Christmas. It will transform you into people who seek first the Kingdom. Teach your kids that God calls them to meet the world’s deep need by being his hands and feet wherever poverty and justice run amok.