All this week we are looking at Paul Tripp’s new book, Reactivity: How The Gospel Transforms our Actions and Reactions, and what it means to respect the dignity of others, as all human beings are divine image bearers, especially as we and our children learn how to best glorify God on social media. Tripp asks, what does it mean to treat people with dignity? He says that we must resolve to treat every person with respect, no matter what. This is a kind of respect that doesn’t have to be earned, but rather it is an honor given simply because you bear the image of God. Tripp tells us that we must be careful not to give ourselves permission to be disrespectful and cruel to others just because they are the enemy of what we think is good, true, and beautiful. We are called to resolve to respect others not because of what we think of them, but because of who God has created and declared them to be. Tomorrow, we’ll continue to look at Tripp’s guidance for us and for our kids.
Respecting Others on Social Media
July 18, 2023