Thanks to the new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro, our selfie culture is moving to a new level, allowing users to indulge their narcissism by fabricating, curating, and promoting themselves in new ways. The most talked about feature on these new phones is the picture taking ability, thanks to multiple lenses and upgraded cameras. One of the new features is the ability to take video selfies in slow motion. These new-fangled selfies have already been labeled “slofies”. Of course, these camera upgrades can be used in some creative and very positive ways. But whenever new technology comes along there are a couple of issues parents should keep an eye on. First, there is the matter of financial stewardship. High costs offer us an opportunity to talk about and address the difference between wants and needs. Second, there is the issue of the stewardship of time. With our kids already spending several hours a day looking at screens, this could be the path to spending even more time. Parents, monitor your kids.