All this week I’m sharing some basic rules that can help us facilitate the God-glorifying use of social media in our own lives and in the lives of our kids. Because the great majority of young people are now sleeping with their smartphones, researchers are warning that there are very real dangers associated with not getting the nine-plus hours of sleep our kids need for healthy growth and development. Researchers are also reporting that even sleeping in the same room with a device that’s charging and emitting just a small amount of light can lead to serious sleep disruption. It’s for that reason that we suggest you enlist this rule in your household: Don’t sleep with your smartphone on or near your bed. Sleep. Rest. God made us to need sleep in order to function well. Tell your kids: when you wake up, the world will still be there and you can tend to your business. And if by some chance the world is no longer there when you wake up. . . well, you won’t need your phone anyway!
Social Media Rules 2
August 18, 2020