Sometimes I think that just hearing and considering some of the statistics on our smartphone use and dependence will cause us to sit up, take notice, and peel back from our growing dependence on our electronic devices. Knowing these facts should also remind us of the importance to set borders and boundaries for our kids. Six out of ten adults say that couldn’t cope without their smartphone if they were unable to use it for just one day. Fifty-five percent of adults believe that running out of battery power is what they call a nightmare scenario. One in eight people claim that a dying smartphone battery actually gives them anxiety. Here’s what’s really telling: twenty five percent say that they would stress out losing their wedding ring, forty percent losing their car keys, forty-six percent losing their bank card, and forty eight percent losing their smartphone. In today’s digital age, we have to wonder, are we becoming more dependent on our technology than we are on God?
Some Surprising Facts on Smartphone Use
March 22, 2022