Since this is Pride month, I’m spending this week sharing some words of wisdom from HarvestUSA’s John Freeman, on how to remain faithful when others embrace lgbtq+ theology. John tells us to Embrace the hurt and suffering that come with being misunderstood or seen as the bad guy. Even though you may attempt to engage with humility, understanding, and sincerity, you may still experience real, ongoing pain and heartache. When we see family or friends pursuing a destructive path contrary to God’s will and his Word, we often feel powerless and hopeless. John has found that many Christians who eventually adopt the mentality of “gay is okay with me and with God” usually do so because they simply feel worn down and want to be thought well of by others. You may feel like you are alone in a desert, barely holding your own with your beliefs about God’s Word—but know that Jesus is with you. He too was in those desert places as he obeyed the Father and stood on Scripture.