All this week we’ve been looking at the Apostle Paul’s New Testament letters and some trustworthy statements that we must know, embrace, and communicate to our kids. These are life-giving truths that must be completely accepted and believed. In Titus three eight, Paul writes, “This is a trustworthy saying, that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good.” Doing good is not only a response to the grace and mercy God has showered on us through the gift of salvation. It is also something that affects Christ’s followers in positive ways as we receive the blessing of pouring ourselves out in service to others. In addition, Paul wants us to know that good deeds attract others to the truth of the Gospel. Our witness becomes compelling to the watching world. Our kids need to know that to serve and glorify God by serving others leads to their spiritual growth and flourishing. Let’s tell the truth to our kids, so that our kids will in turn live the truth!
Teaching Kids to Do Good
November 24, 2023