Are you living with a moody teen? You’re not alone. Because of all the changes and pressures they face, mood swings from the highest of elated highs to the lowest of depressing lows can occur suddenly, and end just as quickly. Some of these mood swings are directly related to the physical changes taking place in their bodies. Or, they can be related to the social pressures kids face including the desire to fit in, the volatile nature of teenage relationships, or the joys and sorrows related to young teen “love.” The bottom line in regards to teenage emotions is this: strange behavior is often normal. Remember how moody you were at that age? While you might be tempted to lock them (or yourself) up in a closet until these years pass, you can’t forget that you play an important role in helping your kids understand and handle their emotions in God-honoring ways. They are looking to you for guidance, direction, and safe harbor. Show them grace, and love them through these difficult years.