It seems that just about every month I remind you of your need to facilitate the proper amount of sleep for your child and teen. After all, God created us for a need to live into a healthy balance of activity and rest, a truth that is evident simply from the fact that we need to sleep during every twenty-four hour cycle. I’ve shared research pointing to the fact that kids need nine hours and forty-five minutes of uninterrupted sleep per day for healthy growth and development. We’ve talked about how a lack of sleep piles up, causing all kinds of physical and mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. Today, I will add to this some new findings from a study conducted at the Norwegian Institute of science and technology. It seems that a lack of sleep now has future consequences, with those kids who don’t get enough sleep at night having a greater risk of developing depression and anxiety when they are older. Parents, help your kids develop healthy sleep habits now as a way to steward their bodies.
Teens, Sleep, and Mental Health
September 16, 2021