The Christmas Story That Matters Most

Some of my greatest and most treasured childhood memories revolve around Christmas eve. In our house, Christmas eve was a time of great anticipation. Yes, we would be opening presents the next morning so there was certainly plenty of excitement about what would show up under the tree. The house always smelled great as my mom would be already working on preparing our Christmas feast by baking cookies and pies. We would play with the train set that only appeared in our house during the month of December. All of those memories are wonderful. But what I remember most about Christmas Eve was going to our church for the annual Christmas Eve service. It was there that we were once again reminded of the story of God’s incredible gift of salvation through his son, Jesus Christ. As you gather to celebrate Christmas, remember that your kids are bombarded by all kinds of life-shaping stories in today’s youth culture. Take time to tell them the one story that matters.