Recently, I was talking to a friend who is a baby-boomer like myself, about the great undeserved blessing we’ve had to be born when we were born into the place in which we’ve been born. Somehow and in some way, we’ve been spared poverty and great difficulty. Neither of us had to go to war, and we’ve had more than enough in terms of food, shelter, and opportunity. But rather than settle in to a life of comfort, we both quickly realized that because we have been blessed, we can easily fall into living very self-centered and entitled lives. We realized that if we aren’t mindful of these things, we would become the rich people who find it hard, as Jesus said, to inherit the Kingdom of heaven. How then shall we live as a people blessed beyond measure. All of us, our kids included, need to heed the words of Richard Baxter: “Every man must render to God the things that are God’s , and that, let it be remembered, is all he is and all he possesses.” Parents, we are called to whole-life discipleship.