Today, I want to offer a word of encouragement and perspective to the parents who may be listening. I’ve made an effort to be a good parent. I’ve made many, many mistakes. I’ve struggled from time to time with my own self-centered feelings of inadequacy, sometimes falling into the trap of worrying about what other people will think about the shortcomings in my life and the life of my kids. I’ve grappled with rebellion in my kids. I’ve known sickening dread, sleepless nights, rage, bitterness, shame, frustration, the disappointment of shattered hopes, and the battle between tenderness and contempt. If you raise a teenager and are totally spared all of these experiences, there are two things you should know. First, you are in the minority. And second, it is – like all good things in life – only by the grace of God. The reality is that it’s not easy. But we can and must approach our parenting of adolescents as a glorious God-given challenge and opportunity.
The Glorious Opportunity of Parenting
February 2, 2023