It’s been said that “It takes a village to raise a child.” In our home, the village has included a variety of people including those who attend our church, neighbors, coaches, youth workers, grandparents, and teachers. Our village has also included Godly friends who have been present in our kids’ lives. Their presence has created relationships that have afforded them great opportunities to speak truth into our kids’ lives. Sometimes our kids have gone to those people to confide in them or seek advice in times of difficulty. At other times, the relationships have been strong enough for those adult friends to approach our kids to say the difficult things that need to be said. Sometimes it takes another voice to speak before these things are heard. Build those friendships, and you can bet you’ll be celebrating their positive and Godly influence on your kids more than once! And if your child clams up and won’t talk to you, ask him to talk to one of these other adults he knows and trusts.
The Influence of Godly Adults
October 25, 2021