For the last forty-eight years, researchers at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan have been monitoring drug trends among teenagers, and reporting their findings annually in the Monitoring the Future Survey. The most recent survey indicates that in 2022, levels of adolescent cannabis use and nicotine vaping held steady. Among our high school seniors, thirty one percent admitted to cannabis use in the prior twelve months. Twenty seven percent of high school seniors reported vaping nicotine. Even though these numbers remained steady, they are still high and much work needs to be done. The survey reported that alcohol use was on the rise among high school seniors, with fifty two percent reporting using alcohol in the prior twelve months. Parents, our need to instill in our kids physical, moral, and spiritual boundaries related to substance abuse remains strong. What are you doing to prepare your kids worship God through healthy decision-making?
The Latest on Kids and Drugs
February 22, 2023