Parents, today I want to challenge you with this thought: Always be ready and willing to drop everything. Let your kids know that there’s nothing you aren’t willing to put on hold if they need you. Of course, you want them to learn how to be polite, not interrupt, and to discern those things that are of urgent importance from those that aren’t. But you want your kids to know that if they are in trouble or need, you will drop what you’re doing – no matter what that is – to be at their side to offer guidance, advice, love, help, and support. Be ready to open the door to your office, to pick up the phone, to leave work, or to cancel a trip when the responsibilities of parenting warrant it. Our kids are growing up in a confusing world that presents them with a seemingly never-endless stream of difficulties and challenges. As they navigate this world, they will come to you to seek guidance and advice. Always be ready to put secondary things aside, and then to put them first.
The Most Important Parenting Priority
November 1, 2021